All Town Offices will be closed on Monday February 17, 2025 in observance of President's Day.

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Fire Safety Code Inspection Checklist


The following is a partial list of items that the Fire Marshal will be looking for during an inspection. It is not a complete list and other Code violations may be cited. For your convenience, inspection checklists may also be downloaded by clicking here.

Exit Signs
  • Exit signs shall be illuminated at all times including during power failures.
  • Generally the exit lights shall have a battery back up to maintain illumination.
  • Monthly testing and documentation is required by the property owner/tenant.
  • Click here to download a monthly inspection sheet.

Emergency Lights
  • Emergency lighting is required to illuminate exit paths during a power failure.
  • All emergency lights shall be tested once a month for 30 seconds and once a year for 90 minutes.
  • Monthly testing and documentation is required by the property owner/tenant.
  • Click here to download a monthly inspection sheet. 

  • All exits are to be kept clear of obstructions at all times, aisles or corridors shall be kept clear for its full width.
  • All exit doors are to remain unlocked while building is occupied.
  • All exit doors shall be free of deadbolts, slidebolts and padlocks. Only one locking mechanism is permitted per door.

Fire Extinguishers
  • Fire extinguishers are required in all occupancies.
  • They shall be readily visible and mounted on a wall near an exit.
  • Fire extinguishers are required to be inspected monthly and serviced annually by a qualified service company.
  • Click here to download a monthly inspection sheet.

Extension Cords
  • Extension cords shall not be used as substitute for fixed wiring.
  • They shall not be run through walls, ceilings, or attached to building surfaces.
  • UL listed surge protectors with a fuse are permitted. However, multiple surge protectors connected together are prohibited.

Electrical Panels
  • Electrical panels shall maintain a 36" clearance to provide access.
  • All circuits must be labeled to identify the circuit in an emergency.
  • Missing or unused circuits shall be covered with a blank panel cover.

Fire Alarm Systems
  • Any fire alarm system shall be inspected and tested annually per NFPA 72 requirements.
  • All inspection records shall be available for review by the Fire Marshal.

Automatic Sprinkler Systems
  • Any automatic fire sprinkler system shall be inspected and tested annually per NFPA 25 requirements.
  • All inspection records shall be available for review by the Fire Marshal.
  • No storage or stock shall be permitted within 18" of sprinkler head.

Food And Cooking Establishments
  • Provide documentation for semi-annual hood and duct cleaning. Hood and duct maintenance shall be in accordance with NFPA 96
  • Provide documentation that fire suppression system has been tested and serviced. Maintenance shall be in accordance with NFPA 17 & 17A
  • Have a Class K extinguisher installed

Click for Assembly Locations (Places of Public Gathering - nightclubs, halls, restaurants, etc.)

The following recommendations will better facilitate the inspection process:
  • Please contact those companies you utilize to provide required annual inspections and testing of Fire Alarm Systems, Sprinkler Systems, Generators, Hood and Ansul Systems (in establishments cooking foods with grease laden vapors) and Fire Extinguishers so that they are conducted prior to the time of inspection.
  • Please ensure that any violations found in past inspections have been corrected.
  • Please ensure that monthly and annual testing and inspection have been conducted on Emergency Lights, Exit Signs and Fire Extinguishers (forms attached).
  • Please ensure that all exits are clear of storage, debris and other items which create an impediment to egress, and that all exit doors function properly.
  • Please ensure that all required fire doors and their hardware (self closers, handles, panic bars) operate properly and that the doors meet required ratings, and that they close and latch upon release or operation.
  • Please ensure that there is no storage of combustible items in areas such as boiler or furnace rooms, and that there is a minimum clearance of 36” around boilers, water heaters and electrical panels.
  • Please remove any and all electrical extension cords being used on any device not classified as a portable appliance by the code and ensure that cords properly used are of required size for the appliance they are used with.

Additional Links

Contact Information

10 Main Street New Milford, CT 06776
Office located on Second Floor of Town Hall

Phone: 860-355-6099
Fax: 860-355-4609

Office hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm